Street Art in Johannesburg (new street art I discovered on weekends)

Street Art in Johannesburg started to become more and more popular,probably because city council realised it attracts tourists. You can do a tour or two on street art in a particular area.Most popular tours are the street art in Maboneng and Newclaire.
Street art was not even interesting to people something like 25 years ago.Only the works of Banksy in UK,who made street art the expression of underground culture with political flavour, made street art interesting to other people and generated a lots of other graffiti writers and artists, who either copied Banksy or developed their own style.Banksy subsequently became known and recognised for his work in 2010 and his name was on a list of 100 most influential people by The Time Magazine.
I became inspired by this topic after I read blog of Omo and Eulanda from their blog/site Hey, guys, this one is for you! It took me long time to accomplish, but eventually it was like I have to make this post.
So, what does the street art in Johannesburg tell us about the city and the country and culture?
Street art in SA is not prohibited, strictly speaking.It was a matter for concern when newly elected mayor of Johannesburg Herman Mashaba made a decision to redraft street art. In the mean time most of the best pictures are still there. You can also find shops in Braamfontein selling cans with paint and other stuff.Probably artists can negotiate with the owners of properties where they can place their work. In some places like Maboneng, it became part of tourist attraction and there is a wall of graffiti near the Maboneng's market.When you enter Maboneng area there is an indicator where you can go and see street art.When I was walking around in Maboneng, local guys showed me street art with great pride. However, names of artists remained hidden under the pseudonyms.Street art in Maboneng is serving a purpose, creating a very special atmosphere to show Maboneng as a place where arts, artists and culture are welcome.Some graffiti pictures were on the wall near the local fishery, some were on the big buildings, some near the gate.
In Newtown I saw graffiti wall with Nobel Laureates and famous people and I think it should be more walls like that.
Then I saw a beautiful street art by an artist Faith47 in Johannesburg CBD just near Gandhi Square. This street art turned unremarkable and grey street wall into something precious. South Africans are so proud of flora and fauna in their country and they always try to show it, in this case in the paintings of running and fighting zebras. Beautiful!

Next stop- Greenside. I saw this three pictures.Probably one of the male faces (or both of them?) are portraits of graffiti artists?

A little bit further down the same street a big picture on the wall of a club.Spectacular!
And these pictures I found on a wall in Malanshof area. When I saw a portrait of one my favourite artists Picasso on the wall I nearly made an accident.I certainly did not expect this picture to be here. And you know how it is, when you are driving you don't usually look around too much. On that day I stuck in traffic!

And to finish it up- some pictures on the Perth street in Westdene.
