The Best Kept Secret in Johannesburg, part II.

In Johannesburg everyone is going somewhere. That is because of the busy nature of this city. Everyone is going either to work or heading for a breakdown or recovering from broken promises, or falling in love again. Proves that nothing stays the same. Do you think Johannesburg is like any other city with its tall buildings, a lot of transport, plenty of shops and restaurants, and banks, and all the fuss and stress?

Think again! It is never too late to take a holiday. You can go fishing (if you particularly dislike physical activity), or go to a game reserve (if you like photo safari), or to dine in a very nice place, where you can enjoy beautiful view.
I decided to go to a game reserve, just 30 minutes away from my place, also in Kromdraai. Rhino&Lion game reserve is not very well known, however not far away from Johannesburg. It is also paired with Wonder Cave. It is amazing how much can change when you are not so far away from city! Just one hour away from busy Johannesburg CBD, with its crazy traffic and narrow streets and from other area with tall buildings- posh, business-like, polished and refined Sandton and you step into Big Calm, country of patience, beauty, fresh air and nature. Today we will go to Rhino&Lion game reserve and Wonder Cave, which is situated on the territory of Rhino&Lion game reserve, the third largest Cave in South Africa. The first is Cango Cave and the second is Sudwala Cave. Wonder Cave was discovered at the end of 19th century in pursuit of gold. There were no gold, only limestone. The Cave never made it into the production line. There is a natural formation of lime stone, but to use the cave as a source of the lime stone proved to be a useless exercise- too expensive and laborious. The Cave itself believed to be (now you must take your hat off…) 2,2 millions years old.Somewhere in 1980’s it started to be a tourist attraction. To enter the Wonder cave you have to go down 88 steps, then lift, and then you see it. Some formations are as big as 50 ton, beautiful shape and color. There are stalactites, stalagmites, one of the biggest and most beautiful formations called Madonna. We took photographs, again lift and now 88 steps up. When we came out some of us were panting. It was the end of July, there were not so many people. The day was very sunny, as usual in SA (we are spoilt!) and we went to Rhino &Lion Nature Reserve.
Rhino&Lion game reserve has rustic camp rest and luxury log cabins on its premises (how convenient!). If you don’t like you spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/etc-tell them: “Darling! Can you just wait outside for me, till I fetch the key”. And outside is still game reserve, and wild animals sometimes can come, including lions, who’s territory just nearby, over the fence. I’ve never seen anybody outside of little houses.
Just joking, of course.
What will give you the greatest pleasure during events like this? Of course if you see something unexpected. That was rhinos in their natural habitat. And other animals.