When your dream come true...

…The washing machine shuddered, the radio died, and the kettle stopped mid boil. The power was out again. She peered out of her window to make sure it wasn’t just her house was affected and then when she saw it… Her lottery ticket. She won R3.000. 000 and was it true? Really? Three million rands? No kidding. O, my God! Well, she must pinch herself that it is true. It is true. She verified with Lotto people. She did won. Nice. Well done. Do you really think she doesn’t know what to do with all that money? Hah! Nothing, like that. Bite your elbow. She knows what to do. And all that stupid, talk that people who won lottery, spent money for stupid things and become broken, because they don’t know how to manage their money… Not her, of course. So, really, what’s the plan? I think she should go to USA and try to settle there. After all, this land is a land for all immigrants. I am watching all that movies about life in USA and I think, I can picture myself in ...