The leaves feel like rain.

The leaves feel like rain outside of the window. I made a mistake and realised that, probably, I changed the word fell for feel for a reason. May be it is me, may be we all, women, the same. We feel first, then we act. How we feel would influence our decisions. If I don’t FEEL IT , nothing good will come out of it, take it or leave it. You can call it six sense, you can call it intuition, you can call it whatever, but if my inner barometer not happy, then I will procrastinate, become very slow. There are many reasons for that. Previous experience? Yes, definitely. Was once there, broke and lonely. I did try to do something by inspiration only. Things don’t work like that, unfortunately. Don’t want to go there again. I decided for myself- will do anything to be independent, but has to play safe. I am not alone, neither of us, and that’s not ...